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expectant mother造句

"expectant mother"是什么意思  
  • An expectant mother with a first baby should avoid such a strain .
  • There ' s an amazing amount of information for expectant mothers
  • New arrangement for antenatal checkup and delivery booking for non - local expectant mothers
  • Give up your seat to an elderly or handicapped person , an expectant mother or a parent with young children
  • If an expectant mother can ' t metabolize sugar properly , her fetus may start producing extra insulin
  • Many of the expectant mothers had been scheduled to deliver babies by or after doctors artificially induced labor
  • She is and not only books . there ' s an amazing amount of information for expectant mothers on the web
  • They taste and smell better than other types of bird ' s nests and are most suitable for expectant mothers
  • Many of the expectant mothers had been scheduled to deliver babies by caesarean section or after doctors artificially induced labor
  • South korea has seen a recent rush of expectant mothers at keen to have their babies after february 18
  • It's difficult to see expectant mother in a sentence. 用expectant mother造句挺难的
  • But expectant mothers and others should weigh the findings judiciously against other evidence , the researchers added
  • South korea has seen a recent rush of expectant mothers at maternity clinics , keen to have their babies after february 18
  • " in a flash moment , i went from being a happy expectant mother , to being someone afraid for her life , " she told reporters
    索恩科特告诉记者说: "在那一瞬间,我从一个快乐的准妈妈变成了一个时刻要担心自己生命的人。
  • During that period 8 , 719 expectant mothers were asked to fill in questionnaires that inquired , among other things , about their level of stress
  • Expectant mothers in germany are doing what they can to put off giving birth until january 1 when a generous government aid program takes effect
  • The expectant mother expressed only one preference ; that were it a girl she should be known as jasmine , but all she hoped for was to be delivered of a healthy baby
  • Relating to or being a method of childbirth in which the expectant mother is prepared psychologically and physically to give birth without the use of drugs
  • An expectant mother who is physically weak or who suffers from certain diseases or drug addiction may , by her pregnancy , further endanger her own health or give birth to a sick or deformed baby
  • Expectant mothers are warned frequently of the dangers of gestational diabetes . now , doctors say a wider range of pregnant women may need to be concerned about high blood - sugar levels
  • With effect from 1 february 2007 , all non - local expectant mothers who give births in hong kong should make booking for delivery and receive at least one antenatal checkup by hospital authority
  • 更多造句:  1  2
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